Optimising the brain to experience personal transformation.

Non-linear dynamical neurofeedback is a safe, non-invasive brain training method that helps optimise your brain’s capacity for self-regulation, helping you better cope with symptoms of stress, anxiety, trauma, PTSD and ADHD.

The benefits of Neurofeedback

Over the last couple of decades, new academic research has been dedicated to exploring the brain’s electrical functions, this research continues to garner exciting results. Emerging evidence has shown that Neurofeedback training (brain training) can increase the brain's stress resiliency and capacity for stability and regulation.

This is very exciting! as this new evidence suggests that as the brain’s rhythm and waves become normalised, neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to change and rewire itself) allows for changes in brain patterns and functions, meaning that it can help manage symptoms associated with some mental disorders including Anxiety, ADHD, Depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Having walked through my own journey of recovering from significant childhood trauma, and my own personal experience with Neurofeedback I am passionate about helping people on their own journey toward healing.

As a Neurofeedback practitioner and registered counsellor, I provide comprehensive compassionate therapeutic support in a supportive environment for clients to explore their concerns and challenges. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss the benefits of Neurofeedback.

Vania Labios

Providing you with a safe space

All your Neurofeedback appointments will take place in our soothing office environment with fully private rooms, complimentary tea and water, and individualized care.

In addition to Neurofeedback training, I also offer trauma-informed counselling, ensuring a comprehensive and supportive approach to your mental health and well-being.


Melbourne and Geelong

Our rooms are conveniently located in Melbourne’s West and Geelong.

Call Vania for an appointment 0402 918 990

Get started with Neurofeedback, today.